For the second time, the Greenman Group seeks applications for Growing Further, an awards programme that will identify, recognise and reward companies whose goal it is to positively impact the grocery retail supply chain. Growing Further focuses on the entire supply chain, from production to waste management, to promote a sustainable future for the grocery retail industry.

Want to be a part of Growing Further? Fill out the questionnaire below to start your application!

Companies we are looking for:

  • Production: Businesses focused on innovations in the primary production (AgTech) and secondary processing (FoodTech) of ingredients and food.
  • Distribution & Retail: Businesses focused on innovations in the packaging, distribution, and sale of products (retail supply chain management) that help to reduce costs, deliver products faster, present produce more effectively, and help retailers gain a competitive advantage in the market.
  • Built Environment: Businesses focused on innovations impacting the built environment in which grocery or retail products are stored and sold (Proptech/building engineering), improving building efficiencies and sustainability.
  • Customer Engagement: Businesses developing innovative ways to communicate and engage with retail consumers, inside or outside the store (Ad-tech/AR/XR/etc), analysing behaviour, enhancing personalisation, and promoting experiential marketing.



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What is the biggest challenge your business is facing and how are you approaching this challenge? (Maximum of 500 words)

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(Maximum of 500 words)
(Maximum of 500 words)


Please upload any supporting documents such as pitch decks, business plans or videos. Maximum file size is 10mb. Please keep all video submissions under 5 mins.